Members in the Media
From: The Huffington Post

Irrational Positivity: Saving the Last for Best

The Huffington Post:

The year 2011 was a dismal time in American public life. The nation came close to defaulting, and lost its AAA credit rating for the first time ever. The do-nothing Congress did — well, nothing. The GOP seriously offered up the likes of Michele Bachmann and Herman Cain as its best and brightest for the country’s future. Policemen in riot gear pepper-sprayed peaceful protesters. And public discourse sank to an all-time low in coarseness and partisanship.

So how will we recall 2011 when we look back on it? Most likely with warmth and good cheer.

Say what? That’s right. We will most likely remember the end of 2011 — the holiday festivities and family gatherings — positively, simply because it is the end of the year. And because we have a positive memory of December 2011, we will also end up with general good feelings about the year gone by.

Read the whole story: The Huffington Post

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