Are Ultraprocessed Foods Addictive?
Over the last decade or so, research has revealed a clear pattern: People tend to overeat ultraprocessed foods. This could be one reason they’re linked with weight gain and obesity. … As recently as eight years Visit Page
Member Spotlight: 2025 Spence Awardee Mark Thornton on the Dynamics of the Social World
Learn about 2025 Janet Taylor Spence recipient Mark Thornton, an assistant professor at Dartmouth College and director of the Social Computation Representation and Prediction Laboratory. Visit Page
Which Knot Is Stronger? Humans Aren’t Great Judges
Humans are pretty good at guessing whether a towering stack of dishes in the sink will topple over or where a pool ball will go when a cue hits it. We evolved this kind of Visit Page
Are Ultraprocessed Foods Really That Delicious?
I’m a Gen X-er, so ultraprocessed foods have been a mainstay of my diet since I was a kid. I was raised on bowls of sugary cereal, mac and cheese and instant ramen. I still Visit Page
10 Ways to Keep Your Mind Healthy in 2025
Are you feeling mentally ready for 2025? … Distancing yourself from your thoughts is also useful. Ethan Kross, a professor of psychology at the University of Michigan, has found that when people use the word Visit Page
Psychologist Explains Why We Love Holiday, Feel-Good Movies
Dr. Pamela Rutledge, Director of the Media Psychology Research Center, discusses why people love predictable, feel-good holiday movies. Visit Page