Why Join APS?
Get the tools, resources, and connections you need to advance your career in psychological science.
APS supports you at every stage of your career and wherever your path leads. Access to our acclaimed scientific journals, opportunities for renowned grants and awards, and the ability to connect and collaborate with like-minded scientists from around the world.
Psychological scientists, applied psychologists, teachers of psychology, and graduate and undergraduate students all find value in APS’s many benefits and supportive community.
Membership Options for All
APS membership is anniversary based. Your membership becomes effective when dues are paid and is active for 12, 24, 36, or 60 months from the join date, depending on the duration of membership selected. Multi-year memberships are not available for all member types.
Reduced membership rates are available to all APS members living in countries defined as low and lower-middle income by the World Bank and are automatically applied during the membership join process.
Membership at APS is nonrefundable and non-transferable.

Benefits to enhance research, collaboration, and career development for PhDs pushing the edges of Psychological Science. Full access to APS Journals and member directory, opportunities for prestigious awards and grants, and content covering the spectrum of fields provide a rich environment for professional and personal growth.
Member – $257
Early Career & Postdoc (for individuals within 5 years of receiving their PhD and those enrolled in a postdoc program) – $146
Retired – $98
Lifetime – $5,000

Associate Member
Access to content and career support for non-PhD researchers and professionals actively working in psychology and related fields. Journals, connections, online resources, and more provide ways for you to stay on top of advances in your field and expand your knowledge.
Associate Member – $160

Student Member
Valuable tools and resources support students pursuing degrees in psychology or related fields. Opportunities to present research, apply for awards and grants, publish, establish connections, get career advice, volunteer, and much more!
If you are in a post-baccalaureate program and applying to graduate school you qualify for the graduate student member level.
Graduate Student – $91
Undergraduate Student – $44
Member Benefits
Access to the Latest Research
APS publications are among the leading resources for information in the field. Members have online access (including archives) to:
• Psychological Science (12 issues per year)
• Current Directions in Psychological Science (6 issues per year)
• Psychological Science in the Public Interest (3 issues per year)
• Perspectives on Psychological Science (6 issues per year)
• Clinical Psychological Science (6 issues per year)
• Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science (4 issues per year)
• The Observer APS’s official member magazine (6 issues per year; digital-only effective June 2022)
• This Week in Psychological Science (TWiPS) – A weekly e-newsletter with early online access to research in Psychological Science
• Psychological Science Update – A weekly e-newsletter to keep you up on the latest news and trends
• Science Xpress – A monthly e-newsletter for APS student members to keep you informed on the latest opportunities for you with APS
Meet Your Colleagues and Share Your Research at Discounted Rates
APS members receive discounted registration rates at APS Conventions.
The premier global event in psychological science, the APS Annual Convention brings together psychological scientists from all areas of research to share scientific findings and ideas. Attend the APS Annual Convention to connect with researchers from around the world, renew acquaintances, and foster new collaborations.
Awards and Honors
From early career to lifetime achievement, APS honors the accomplishments of members who have made outstanding contributions to the advancement of psychological science.
Advocates for Our Science
At APS, science isn’t just a special interest—it’s the only interest. APS is the premiere international organization solely dedicated to the advancement of psychological science and works diligently to increase support for psychological research and to promote the use of science-based psychology in the development of public policy. Furthermore, APS broadens public understanding of our science by ensuring wide and accurate daily coverage in major news outlets including Scientific American, The New York Times, and The Wall Street Journal, among others.
And More …
That’s just the start. APS members also receive:
- Access to the online member Directory
- APS members save 20% on SAGE journals and 30% on SAGE books.
- Employment and Postdoc listings in the APS Employment Network
- Members receive a 30% discount on all Instats’s content, including live and on-demand seminars and structured courses.
- Helpful teaching tips
- Student-only benefits and opportunities. Learn More
Contact the APS Membership Department at member@psychologicalscience.org or by telephone at +1 202.293.9300.