Student Notebook: Five Tips for Working With Your Committee
Doctoral student Beth Anne Hosek provides five tips for moving through graduate school and navigating the student-committee relationship.
A Four-Day Science-Backed Guide to Forging Better Friendships That Will Improve Your Life
... Another way to add warmth to your connections could be to repair past wrongs, by saying sorry. As our tech specialist Thomas Germain found out, robots are actually surprisingly good at coming up with effective apologies – while many humans struggle with that. But we humans may have one advantage: we can show in many ways that while imperfect, our apologies come from the heart. As Judy Eaton, a psychology professor at Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, told Thomas: "Apologies aren't just about saying the right words, it's about bringing in the physiological responses of what researchers call 'psychic pain'. If you're truly remorseful, it hurts.
Should Students’ Efforts Be Rewarded With Good Grades?
... If effort isn’t rewarded, effort won’t be applied. Those who doubt that they can find the right answer won’t even try. The richness that comes from inviting students to do their best will be left by the wayside. New approaches to old problems won’t be pursued, new solutions won’t be chased, and new problems that might be recognized by those who see themselves as outside the box won’t emerge. ... I teach incredibly talented students, including many first-generation college students from immigrant families and international students who aren’t always sure they belong at the university. They come with life experience that doesn’t always match the curriculum.
How to Stick to Your New Year’s Resolutions
New year, new you. But before you start on your resolutions for 2025, think back on what you accomplished in 2024. ... The start of a new year signifies a new start to many people, says Katy Milkman, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania and author of the book “How to Change: The Science of Getting from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be.” “All of us have something in our lives that we could get a little better at, right? None of us are already perfect,” Milkman says. “The new year is a moment — and it's one of many moments, but it's the best recognized — when we recognize on our calendar a new beginning.
2024 in Review: 10 Most Popular Articles from APS Journals
Podcast: How do the five love languages hold up to empirical research? How does gender equality vary by country globally? Tune in to hear highlights from last year’s most popular research.
It’s Time to Do Away With Early School Start Times
The first bell echoes off the bricked hallways of Lindbergh High School in Renton, Washington, warning dazed and coffee-clutching students to pick up their pace. It’s December. It’s 7:15 a.m. It’s still dark outside. Yet, in five minutes, they are expected to be sitting in class, alert, and ready to learn. ... Poor sleep and circadian disruption carry numerous costs for teens. Studies point to lower grades and higher rates of car accidents, athletic injuries, risky behaviors, substance abuse, obesity, depression, and anxiety. Cycles of REM sleep primarily occur in the last third of the night.