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Judy Garber Curriculum Vitae Note Vision Statement Stefan G. Hofmann Curriculum Vitae NoteVision Statement Scott O. Lilienfeld Curriculum Vitae Note Vision Statement Gregory A. Miller Curriculum Vitae Note Vision Statement
Bike Visibility Does Little to Change Drivers’ Dangerous Overtaking
A recent bill in the state of Wyoming would require all bicyclists to wear no less than 200 square inches “of high-visibility fluorescent orange, green or pink color clothing visible from the front and rear of the bicycle.” Though lawmakers in favor the bill argued that the new wardrobe requirements were for bicyclists’ own safety, research on driver behavior doesn’t necessarily back this up. In fact, new research is showing that “high-vis” clothing is not as effective at increasing bicycle safety as is often assumed. A study by University of Bath psychological scientist Ian Walker finds that high-visibility clothing is unlikely to prevent the most dangerous passing behavior from drivers.
ESCOP Journal’s ‘Best Paper’ Shows How Collaboration Influences Memory
A study led by Hae-Yoon Choi, a PhD candidate from Stony Brook University in the United States, is being recognized with the 2014 Journal of Cognitive Psychology Best Paper Award. The award, conferred on the basis of scientific excellence and broad interest, includes a prize of €250 courtesy of the European Society of Cognitive Psychology (ESCOP). How Collaboration Influences Memory Choi and her research mentor APS Board Member Suparna Rajaram, also from Stony Brook, collaborated with Helena M. Blumen of Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York and Adam R.
Almost Like Being There: Photos From the Inaugural ICPS
EPP-APS L’auto-correction des QCM
L’auto-correction des QCM pour l’amélioration de l’apprentissage des étudiants Daniel Grühn and Yanhua Cheng Auteur à joindre pour la correspondance: Daniel Grühn, North Carolina State University, Department of Psychology, Campus Box 7650, Raleigh, NC 27695, USA. Email: daniel_gruehn@ncsu.edu Grühn, D. & Cheng, Y (2014). A self -correcting approach to multiple-choice exams improves learning. Teaching of Psychology, 41, 335-339 Abstract Montepare suggested the use of a self-correcting approach to multiple-choice tests: Students first take the exam as usual, but are allowed to hand in a self-corrected version afterwards.
EPP-APS Dix conseils intemporels
Dix conseils intemporels pour rester à la pointe des technologies de l’enseignement Devereaux A. Poling[1] et Frank M. Lo Schiavo[1] Teaching of Psychology 2014 41: 69-72 DOI: 10.1177/0098628313514182 La version numérique de cet article se trouve ici: http://top.sagepub.com/content/41/1/69 Poling, D.A. &LoSchiavo, F.M. (2014). Ten timeless tips for keeping on top of teaching technology. Teaching of Psychology, 41, 69-72. [1] Ohio University–Zanesville, Zanesville, OH, USA Auteur à joindre pour la correspondance: Devereaux A. Poling, Department of Psychology, Ohio University–Zanesville, 1425 Newark Road, Zanesville, OH 43701, USA.