About the Model
Promoting active student engagement in critical/scientific thinking about behavior and mental processes. Visit Page
Myth: We Are In Touch With Reality
Students learn that what they view as “real” is but one version of reality, which can vary radically from the experience of other people.
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Myth: Too Much Sugar Causes Hyperactivity in Children
Exploring the realities behind the effects of sugar illustrate many psychological concepts, including hunger, evolution, and psychopathology. Visit Page
Myth: Traumatic Memories Are Often Repressed and Later Recovered
This provides students with an opportunity to see that, often, analyses may lead to conclusions that are not final. Visit Page
Myth: It’s Better to Stick to Your First Impulse Than Go Back and Change Multiple Choice Test Answers
A misconception that is ideally addressed early in the introductory course. Visit Page
Myth: Brain Training Will Make You Smarter
Researching this persuasive myth allows students to use scientific reasoning tools to evaluate popular claims regarding intelligence. Visit Page