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Testing Gallery
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Welcome to the Real World: How Work Shapes Personality
The decision of whether to attend university or jump right into the working world is associated with significant differences in personality. Visit Page
Myth: Subliminal Messages Can Change Your Behavior
Discussion of this myth provides rich opportunities to integrate topics across research methods, memory, cognition, sensation and perception, and social psychology. Visit Page
ICPS 2019 Delivers a Bounty of Integrative Science
More than 2,700 researchers, including keynote speaker BJ Casey of Yale University, descended on Paris on 7-9 March 2019 to share the latest developments in integrative science. Plans are already underway for the next ICPS, to be held in 2021 in Brussels. Visit Page
What Research Psychologists Do
Research psychologists use scientific methods to examine questions and test hypotheses with the aim of understanding human thought and behavior. Visit Page