Anxious about getting your materials ready for the academic job market? Join Drs. Alex Ajayi and Leslie Berntsen for a discussion about how to prepare research and diversity statements. Visit Page
Where are all the neurodivergent scholars and research participants? Eight scholars make the case for greater adoption of open scholarship practices, “slow science,” intersectional collaboration, and more. Visit Page
Özge Gürcanlı Fischer-Baum explores how greater awareness of neurodiversity has influenced great (but not enough) change in research, advocacy, and cultural expectations. Visit Page
Diversity trainings as currently practiced are unlikely to change police behavior, suggests an analysis of a day-long training session designed to increase U.S. police officers’ knowledge of bias and use of evidence-based strategies to mitigate bias. Visit Page
Lily Jampol, head of people science at ReadySet, helps organizations build more inclusive environments. Visit Page
Research suggests that taking steps to create more equal social environments may be more effective at reducing prejudice than targeting implicit bias directly. Visit Page
Automation may be associated with anti-immigrant sentiment by increasing perceptions of both realistic threat arising from competition for economic resources and symbolic threat "arising from changes to group values, identity, and status.” Visit Page
A psychological study suggests a potential way to minimize the impact that gender bias can have on women’s career advancement. Visit Page
Incorporating psychological research on implicit bias in hiring, the United Kingdom’s Behavioural Insights Team is investigating collaborative ways to help companies select the most qualified candidates for job openings. Visit Page
Professional recruiters drew up more questions about culture and group compatibility when they prepared to interview applicants with Arabic-sounding names Visit Page
Employers are likely to abide by laws barring discrimination against gay workers not because they are necessarily afraid of being punished for violating the law, but because these laws send a clear message about acceptable moral behavior in the community, a study suggests. Visit Page
Fostering gender-blind ideologies may offer one short-term aid as institutions continue to grapple with gender-parity issues. Visit Page
Working mothers are often offered lower salaries and fewer leadership opportunities compared to working fathers, but this penalty can be reduced by framing women as “breadwinners.” Visit Page
Men outnumber women in corporate leadership positions to such an extent that in the US that there are more top chief executives named John than there are women leading major companies. Across the world, women Visit Page
Examining companies with local and ex-pat employees, researchers find that recognizing diversity can actually encourage people to help each other instead of sparking conflict. Visit Page