Humans are fundamentally motivated to boost their social status, but narcissistic individuals are driven to climb the social ladder at all costs.
Research on “collective narcissism” suggests many Americans have outsize notions about how much their home states helped to write the nation’s narrative.
Data indicate that today’s college students are slightly less narcissistic than their counterparts were in the 1990s.
Individualism is thought to be on the rise in Western countries, but new research suggests that increasing individualism may actually be a global phenomenon.
A personality trait called “grandiose narcissism” has been tied to greatness in U.S. presidents—and also malignancy.
People who enter adulthood during hard economic times have been found to have a much different view of themselves than those who come of age in prosperous times.
Science is revealing that the negative stereotypes about the generation born between 1980 and 2000 are inaccurate.
People who score high on some sinister personality traits appear to have better career prospects, according to a scientific review.
The shocking behavior of high-profile men now embroiled in sexual harassment scandals may be explained in part from psychological studies showing a link between power and a dampened capacity for empathy.
The more narcissistic drivers are, the more angry and aggressive they reported becoming on the road.