We may be inclined to think that a fun experience will be all the more enjoyable if we save it until we’ve finished our work or chores, but new research shows that this intuition may be misguided.
Choosing to take photos may focus our attention, helping us remember the visual details of our experiences but impairing memory for the auditory details.
We might love to reminisce and tell others about our extraordinary experiences, but new research suggests that sharing these extraordinary experiences may come at a social cost.
New research from Baylor University identifies two key factors that can help employees make the most of their workday breaks.
At some point or other, most of us probably feel like our work lives are gobbling up our personal lives, leaving little time for hobbies. But new research indicates that people who spend time on
Science Explores How Life's Marvels Elevate Cognition and Emotion
Taking a lunch hour stroll was shown to have a positive influence on people’s mood, enthusiasm, and perception of performance at work.
Data from a study of German adults showed that people who adopted socially-focused strategies reported increased life satisfaction one year later.
What is the best way to spend money to increase your happiness? A series of studies suggests that it may depend, in part, on how wealthy you are.