Artists are haunted by the specter of creative burnout, but research suggests that the best way to overcome barriers to creativity may be to accept them as part of the process. Visit Page
Academic life is not just about discovery and excitement. Seven scholars share some common negative experiences in academia that no one talks about. Visit Page
Psychological scientists are testing new strategies to address the cognitive errors that are often associated with boredom. Visit Page
Some studies have begun to hint that personal psychological resources — such as self-esteem — may mediate the relationship between job demands and job resources and burnout. Visit Page
Expecting employees to take a one-size-fits-all approach to emotional labor can quickly lead to burnout without the right support systems in place. Visit Page
Long chunks of time spent on the road has now been linked to lower life satisfaction. Visit Page
The respondents rated how well they thought the boss handled a situation then rated the extent they would avoid him in the office or fail to invite him to after-work gatherings. Visit Page
Powerful people who engaged in abusive behavior directed at employees paid the price later with lowered well-being. Visit Page
Chronic stress seems to dampen people’s neurological ability to bounce back from negative situations—causing even more stress. Visit Page
Technology has allowed many workers to enjoy greater flexibility with where and when they work, but it also means that the boundaries between work and leisure can become blurred. Visit Page
The intense exhaustion of parental burnout can lead parents to feel detached from their children and unsure of their parenting abilities. Visit Page
The feelings of work related exhaustion associated with "burnout" could be a form of depression. Visit Page
New research from Baylor University identifies two key factors that can help employees make the most of their workday breaks. Visit Page
When a person receiving care has dementia, the caregiver is much more likely to experience depression or anxiety, especially if they have high levels of emotional empathy. Visit Page
Even when young competitors show tremendous promise in a specialized sport, they’re likely to emerge better adult athletes if they take a more multidisciplinary approach. Visit Page
Previews of research on work by early-career psychological scientists. Visit Page