The Challenges of Military Veterans in Their Transition to the Workplace
Podcast addresses the long-standing structural features of the military that have created a culture and society that is dramatically different and disconnected from civilian society.
New Content From Perspectives on Psychological Science
A sample of articles on contact tracing as a memory task, challenges of military veterans in their transition to the workplace, the dehumanization hypothesis, and statistical learning and language impairments.
How to Deal With Job Loss Without Damage to Your Self-Esteem
Our careers fulfill a number of different functions in our lives, says David Blustein, a professor of counseling psychology at Boston College and author of “The Importance of Work in an Age of Uncertainty: The
The Debate On Power Posing Continues: Here’s Where We Stand
Power posing or postural feedback is a technique that suggests how you hold your body influences how you feel and how you behave. Over the last decade, naysayers labeled power posing a pseudoscience, and the
The Science Behind WFH Dressing for Zoom
Mina Khan, an information-technology consultant who’s been working from home in Houston since March, tried wearing sweatpants and hoodies instead of the blouses and dress pants she typically wore to the office. It didn’t work.
Beyond Diversity Training: To Change Minds, Change the Environment
Research suggests that taking steps to create more equal social environments may be more effective at reducing prejudice than targeting implicit bias directly.