How Startups Are Using Tech To Try And Fight Workplace Bias
NPR: We all harbor biases — subconsciously, at least. We may automatically associate men with law enforcement work, for example, or women with children and family. In the workplace, these biases can affect managers’ hiring
Rethinking Work
The New York Times: HOW satisfied are we with our jobs? Gallup regularly polls workers around the world to find out. Its survey last year found that almost 90 percent of workers were either “not
31st Annual SIOP Conference
The Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology will host its 31st Annual Conference from April 14–16, 2016, in Anaheim, California. Registration will open in December 2015. For more information, visit http://www.siop.org/.
No Time to Be Nice at Work
The New York Times: MEAN bosses could have killed my father. I vividly recall walking into a hospital room outside of Cleveland to see my strong, athletic dad lying with electrodes strapped to his bare
Social Constraints Can Spark Creativity in Diverse Groups
It’s often assumed that creativity is unleashed by removing constraints, but new research finds that establishing clear expectations for social interactions actually encouraged creativity among mixed-sex work groups. A team of psychological scientists, led by
The Downside of Treadmill Desks
The New York Times: Treadmill desks are popular, even aspirational, in many offices today since they can help those of us who are deskbound move more, burn extra calories and generally improve our health. But