Making a Career Choice: Follow in Your Own Footsteps
In a guest column, APS Fellow Barbara Wanchisen shares observations and ideas on broadening career opportunities for psychological scientists. Visit Page
Matching Psychology Training to Job Market Realities
APS President Wendy Wood discusses how graduate programs can change the habit of focusing on academic-career preparation. Visit Page
Exploring Tech Jobs as Psychological Scientists
In this guest column, APS William James Fellow recipient James W. Pennebaker, a renowned academic and software entrepreneur, shares useful advice on pursuing careers in the technology sector. Visit Page
Finding Opportunities in Research Administration
In a conversation with APS President Wendy Wood, clinical scientist Christine Hunter shares how she’s applied skills learned in graduate school to her role as a government research director. Visit Page
The Limitless Applications of Psychological Science
“I think there’s never been greater interest in and relevance and importance of translating rigorous research and academic scholarship for practitioners,” said Michael Fenlon of PricewaterhouseCoopers in this exclusive interview with APS President Wendy Wood. Visit Page
Wendy Wood: It’s Time We Trained Students for Diverse Careers in Psychological Science
Podcast: Only about half of psychology PhDs are hired in academia, but psychology graduate training in the United States has largely retained the classic graduate training model of a direct path to an academic job. It’s time to change that, says Wendy Wood. Visit Page