Study: Awe-Inspiring Experiences Change Our Perception of Time
The Atlantic: Here’s a question addressed straight to the soul (and the hippocampus): what are your most memorable moments of awe? If you’re like me, those moments are a bit difficult to specify and describe.
Volunteering Our Time Makes Us Feel Like We Have More Time: Study
The Huffington Post: We don’t have enough time to do this, we don’t have enough time to do that. But a new study suggests that when we give our time away, it helps us feel
Pressed for time? Take a moment to feel awe
NBC: If you’re feeling pressed for time, try hiking to a mountain vista or listening to a masterful symphony. New research suggests that the resulting awe may leave you feeling less rushed. Experiencing awe makes
Grin and Bear It! Smiling Facilitates Stress Recovery
Just grin and bear it! At some point, we have all probably heard or thought something like this when facing a tough situation. But is there any truth to this piece of advice? Feeling good
Awesome Experiences Make Us Nicer
Discovery News: Awesome Experiences Make Us Nicer: Ever feel changed after watching an amazing sunset, or reaching the summit of a mountain or seeing the Northern Lights? There’s a reason for that, say psychologists. New
Pressed for Time? Take a Minute to Feel Awe
LiveScience: If you’re feeling pressed for time, try hiking to a mountain vista or listening to a masterful symphony. New research suggests that the resulting awe may leave you feeling less rushed. Experiencing awe makes