Was I Happy Then? Our Current Feelings Can Interfere with Memories of Past Well-Being
One reason happiness can seem so elusive is that our current feelings can interfere with memories of our past well-being. Analysis of four longitudinal surveys.
Exploration and Risk-Taking: Hallmarks of Adolescence That Increase Well-Being
The role of exploration and risk taking in sustaining adolescent well-being and establishing social connectivity is the topic of a recent article published in Psychological Science. In this podcast, you’ll hear from the two authors: Natalie Saragosa-Harris and Catherine Hartley.
New Research in Psychological Science
A sample of research on racism, well-being in childhood and adult health, cultural differences in delayed gratification, problem solving in animals, and much more.
The September/October Observer: Revisiting the Classics
Foundational psychological science studies, theories, and practices can be the basis for new findings and reforms alike. How can we learn from the past to advance the field’s future?
Back Page: Positive Science, Promising Outcomes
Jesus Alfonso (Jess) D. Datu discusses his research on positive psychology and positive education and how his findings can be used to inform educational policy.
New Content From Current Directions in Psychological Science
A sample of articles on abstract concepts, identity and group belongingness, religion, gender perceptions and sexual harassment, cognitive functioning, well-being and psychopathology, and more.