La lunghezza dei telomeri influenza la nostra attenzione (The length of telomeres influence our attention)
La Stampa: Se la mente si assenta troppo spesso da ciò che accade nel presente e spazia tra pensieri e riflessioni forse è colpa dell’età che avanza. O meglio dell’invecchiamento delle cellule che accorcia la
Post-Divorce Journaling May Hinder Healing for Some
Following a divorce or separation, many people are encouraged by loved ones or health-care professionals to keep journals about their feelings. But for some, writing in-depth about those feelings immediately after a split may do
Why War Helps, Rather than Harms, Some With PTSD
TIME: War is often the trigger for mental illness, but the latest research reveals some unexpected effects of combat on post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Feeling at home at war may seem like an oxymoron
Wandering Minds Are Associated With Aging Cells
Scientific studies have suggested that a wandering mind is linked with unhappiness, whereas a mind that is present in the moment is linked with well-being. Now, a preliminary study suggests a possible connection between mind
Embattled Childhoods May Be the Real Trauma for Soldiers With PTSD
New research on posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in soldiers challenges popular assumptions about the origins and trajectory of PTSD, providing evidence that traumatic experiences in childhood – not combat – may predict which soldiers develop
The experience of awe can slow down perceived time in people’s lives
The Washington Times: As anyone trying to juggle a career, family and sleep will tell you: The one universal truth of modern life is that there are not enough hours in the day to do