With Age Comes Happiness
TIME: Wisdom may come with age, but does happiness follow suit? Some studies show that the elderly may be more prone to depression and loneliness, which can lead to higher rates of unhappiness, not a
Clinical Psychological Science Has Everyone Tweeting
Research published in APS’s newest journal, Clinical Psychological Science, is getting big attention — potentially from millions of people — on social media. The study, conducted by Jessica Tracy and Daniel Randles of the University
6 Secrets Of Powerful People
Prevention: Powerful people are happier because they feel more authentic, according to a new study published in the journal Psychological Science. To reach that conclusion, investigators conducted online surveys in both the US and Israel.
Happiness Grows with Age, But Depends on Generation
LiveScience: People tend to get happier as they age, but individuals’ overall well-being depends on the era in which they were born, a new report shows. For example, adults who lived through the Great Depression
The Upside of Power
The Wall Street Journal: We’ve all heard about the loneliness and corruptions of power, but two new academic works suggest that maybe it isn’t really so bad. First, psychologists at UC Berkeley found that people
Study: Each Generation Is Happier Than the Last
The Atlantic: You’ll be happier in the future than you are now, a new study in the journal Psychological Science found, but your overall well-being also depends on when you were born, and what you’ve