New Research From <em>Clinical Psychological Science</em>
Read about the latest research published in Clinical Psychological Science. David A. Sbarra, Adriel Boals, Ashley E. Mason, Grace M. Larson, and Matthias R. Mehl Expressive writing (EW) is a therapeutic exercise in which individuals write
Know Thyself: How Mindfulness Can Improve Self-Knowledge
Mindfulness — paying attention to one’s current experience in a non-judgmental way — might help us to learn more about our own personalities, according to a new article published in the March 2013 issue of Perspectives
Single, childless and want work-life balance? How taboo
The Washington Post: The Yahoo no-work-from-home brouhaha had working moms up in arms last week. Professional women with children had been dealt a blow, they said. Oh, and as one writer reminded us, it’s an
Sustainable Satisfaction: How Aging Makes Your Mind More Charitable
The Huffington Post: What is it that draws so many of us to community causes as we age? Is it just an excess of wealth that inspires philanthropy, or are our brains actually learning to
Emotion-Health Connection Not Limited to Industrialized Nations
In fact, UC Irvine study finds phenomenon more marked in developing countries Positive emotions are known to play a role in physical well-being, and stress is strongly linked to poor health, but is this strictly
Happiness tends to increase with age
United Press International: Overall happiness and satisfaction with life tend to increase with age, but a person’s well-being depends on when he or she was born, U.S. researchers say. Angelina R. Sutin of the Florida