Get Off the Work Treadmill
Teresa Amabile, a professor at Harvard Business School, likens today’s work environment to running on a treadmill. People race to keep up with meetings, emails, and deadlines, while making no real progress – especially on
Childhood bullying ‘damages adult life’
BBC: Bullying in childhood “throws a long shadow” into victims’ adult lives, suggests research indicating long-term negative consequences for health, job prospects and relationships. The study tracked more than 1,400 people between the ages of
Divorce Elevates Risk for Depression, But Only for Some People
A data analysis uncovers some new clues as to why depressive episodes follow divorce for some people, but not others.
Facebook Makes Us Sadder And Less Satisfied, Study Finds
NPR: Facebook’s mission “to make the world more open and connected” is a familiar refrain among company leaders. But the latest research shows connecting 1.1 billion users around the world may come at a psychological
Children bullied in school may have more problems as adults
Chicago Tribune: Bullying doesn’t end in the school yard, but casts a shadow across adulthood, when victims are far more likely to have emotional, behavioral, financial and health problems, a new study suggests. Those who
Drangsalierte Kinder leiden noch als Erwachsene (Bullied children suffer as adults)
Suddeutsche Zeitung: Wer als Kind gemobbt wurde, hat einer aktuellen Studie zufolge als Erwachsener überdurchschnittlich häufig soziale, finanzielle und gesundheitliche Probleme (Psychological Science, online). So fiel es den gemobbten Probanden schwerer, Arbeits- und Freundschaftsbeziehungen aufrechtzuerhalten