How to Get Over Stage Fright, Jenny Slate Style
New York Magazine: What if you suddenly became intensely afraid of some integral part of your own career? In a recent interview with Fresh Air about her new film Obvious Child, Jenny Slate talked about her sudden-onset stage fright
For Many Americans, Stress Takes A Toll On Health And Family
NPR: Stress is part of the human condition, unavoidable and even necessary to a degree. But too much stress can be toxic — even disabling. And there’s a lot of toxic stress out there. A
Fulbright Canada Distinguished Visiting Research Chairs
Fulbright Canada and the Norlien Foundation have partnered to create and support a program of Distinguished Visiting Research Chairs in Brain Science, and Child and Family Health and Wellness. At one of Alberta’s three research
The Trauma of Parenthood
The New York Times: Everyone knows that being the parent of an infant is hard. There’s the sleeplessness, the screaming fits to tend to, the loss of autonomy, the social isolation and the sheer monotony of
Taking an Integrative Approach to Understanding Emotions and Clinical Disorders
Many clinical psychological disorders, including anxiety and depression, are characterized by unhealthy, turbulent, or otherwise maladaptive emotions. Yet the link between emotion and mental illness has typically been investigated separately from basic research on emotion
Workplace Ostracism More Distressing Than Harassment
Being ignored, excluded, or overlooked at work inflicts more damage on our physical and mental health than does being harassed, a new study shows. Canadian researchers found that while most people consider workplace ostracism more