3rd Annual Behavior Change, Health, and Health Disparities Conference
Watch the conference live! Please see the conference agenda online and use this link to tune in, Oct 1 and 2, starting at 8 a.m. The 3rd Annual Behavior Change, Health, and Health Disparities Conference
Holding on to the Blues: Depressed Individuals May Fail to Decrease Sadness
Given that depression is characterized by intense and frequent negative feelings, like sadness, it might seem logical to develop interventions that target those negative feelings. But new research suggests that even when depressed people have
Attention to Angry Faces May Predict Future Depression
Using eye-tracking technology, researchers have found that women with a history of depression tend to spend more time looking at the angry faces compared to women with no history of depression.
Everyday Routines Make Life Feel More Meaningful
Scientific American: Think about the most meaningful experiences in your life. You will probably recall your wedding, or a trip across Europe, or your first skydive. You won’t name brushing your teeth. Yet recent research
Life Satisfaction Linked With Mortality Risk in Older Adults
Greater life satisfaction in adults older than 50 years old is related to a reduced risk of mortality, according to new findings published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science. The
2015 Golden Goose Award: THE MARSHMALLOW TEST
The Golden Goose Award: Dr. Walter Mischel was once told he would be better off asking a candy company to fund research on his “marshmallow test,” rather than the National Institutes of Health (NIH). But