Can You Really Wash Away Your Troubles?
Huffington Post: It might really be possible to wash your troubles away. A new review of studies published in the journal Current Directions in Psychological Science shows that the act of washing yourself, including religious rites such
Falsche Erinnerungen sind nützlich
ORF Austria: Unser Gedächtnis spielt uns manchmal einen Streich. Sich nicht genau oder falsch an etwas zu erinnern, kann mitunter drastische Folgen haben, etwa vor Gericht. Einem Forscher zufolge können falsche Erinnerungen aber auch positive
Why you really can wash the man out of your hair
Daily Mail: The song was spot on – it is possible to wash that man right out of your hair. A study shows washing has powerful psychological effects, ‘cleansing’ us of negative feelings. In the
You Can Wash Away Your Troubles, With Soap
“Wash away my troubles, wash away my pain,” goes the song. Is there such a thing as soap and water for the psyche? Yes: Metaphor is that powerful, say Spike W.S. Lee and Norbert Schwarz
Illusory Memories Can Have Salutary Effects
“False memories tend to get a bad rap,” says developmental psychologist Mark L. Howe, of Lancaster University in England. Indeed, remembering events incorrectly or remembering events that didn’t happen can have grave consequences, such as
What Keeps Adults Well?
The puzzle of human well-being has occupied scientists for centuries. How do we define well-being? What factors contribute to it? How does it change over the lifespan? And, most importantly, what can we do to