Spoiler Alert
American Scientist: Movie critics might do their readers a favor by slipping more plot spoilers into their reviews. Far from wrecking a story, revealing a surprise ending makes fiction more enjoyable. Psychologists picked a dozen
Spülung für die Seele
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Wer sich wäscht, fühlt sich auch frei von Schuld Wenn sich Menschen waschen, reinigt das auch ihre Seele. Mit dem Wasser verschwinden die schlechten Gefühle ebenfalls im Abfluss, berichten die Psychologen Spike Lee
Lucky Towns
Men’s Health Magazine: Luck is like that dark matter stuff scientists have spent billions of dollars trying to find with the Large Hadron Collider—a powerful presence that people surmise exists but no one has actually
Allô Maman, j’ovule !
Slate France: Savez-vous ce qu’est l’œstrus ? Il s’agit de ce qu’on appelle communément les “chaleurs” chez les femelles des mammifères, une période d’attractivité sexuelle indiquant qu’elles sont prêtes à être fécondées. On a longtemps
How old do you feel inside?
Chicago Tribune: Those of us lucky enough to grow old must contend with the miserable stereotypes of what it’s like: the frailty, the forgetfulness, the early bird specials. But in aging, as in many things
Washing the Body ‘Cleanses’ the Mind
U.S. News & World Report: There may be some truth to the expression “cleanliness is next to godliness” after all, finds a new review of previously published studies. University of Michigan researchers found that showering