Practice Doesn’t Make Perfect When it Comes to Understanding Risk
People aren’t very good at making decisions that involve risk. Many people are afraid of airplanes, although accidents are extremely rare; some people even drive to avoid flying, putting themselves at more risk. A new
Seven Steps for Reinvention in 2012
The Huffington Post: I decided not to make any New Year’s resolutions for 2012. Resolutions are changes we make based on what hasn’t worked. Why not focus on what has worked and create from there?
Liking yourself just the way you are
Los Angeles Times: You know it’s tough out there when fashion and beauty executives think that even a model’s body isn’t good enough to sell clothes or that a celebrity’s natural face isn’t up to
Forget Being Grumpy…We Get Happier With Age
Express UK: Far from turning into grumpy old men and women, people become happier and more positive with age. Mature brains, as they age and lose memories, choose to retain happy ones and see the
No Limits to Computer Play, Says Psychologist Peter Gray
Wired: What haven’t computers and screens been blamed for? The debates over video game violence and the impact technology are unlikely to be resolved anytime soon. Since the advent of TV there have been hundreds
Transitions, Controlling Your Narrative
WHYY Radio: What do you want for your life? Many of us choose one path, then want another. Perhaps something that’s more creative, altruistic, or legacy making. Making this switch can be scary and complex