Taxes les riches – Quel bonheur!
Le Petit Journal: Avec sa “taxe Buffett”, le président américain veut faire payer davantage les plus riches pour réduire sa dette. Si l’idée ne fait pas sourire les républicains, elle pourrait remonter le moral des
Taxer les plus fortunés améliorerait le bien-être
Le Figaro: À coup sûr, Barack Obama n’aura pas manqué de lire cette étude. Alors que le président américain va proposer au Congrès ce lundi une taxe spéciale sur les revenus des contribuables gagnant plus
Progressive Tax Rates Linked To National Happiness: Study
The Huffington Post: Detractors of Warren Buffett take note: The more a country taxes its richest citizens, the happier everyone in that country will be. Such are the findings of a new study, led by
Do Fat CEO Faces Equal Fat Profits?
Time: We generally don’t include the shape of a business exec’s face in our investing advice. But according to a new study, maybe we should. In the November issue of the journal Psychological Science, a
A More Progressive Tax System Makes People Happier
The way some people talk, you’d think that a flat tax system—in which everyone pays at the same rate regardless of income—would make citizens feel better than more progressive taxation, where wealthier people are taxed
Measure of success: Study shows width of CEO’s face can predict company’s financial performance
Daily Mail: If you are measuring indications of how well a company will perform, look no further than the shape of the CEO’s face. New research shows male corporate leaders with wider faces, such as