Books to Check Out: March 2014
To submit a new book, email apsobserver@psychologicalscience.org. The Human Brand: How We Relate to People, Products, and Companies by Chris Malone and Susan T. Fiske; Jossey-Bass, September 30, 2013. The Rise of Consciousness and the Visit Page
Living Through War Leads to In-Group Solidarity
War experiences have a long-term effect on human psychology, shifting people’s motivations toward greater equality for members of their own group, according to research forthcoming in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Visit Page
Veterans With Gulf War Illness Show Brain Changes Linked to Memory Deficits
New research illuminates definitive brain alterations in troops with Gulf War Illness (GWI) thought to result from the exposure to neurotoxic chemicals, including sarin gas, during the first Persian Gulf War. “More than 250,000 troops Visit Page
The Military Epidemics That Aren’t
The Wall Street Journal: There is a growing presumption in the West that war dehumanizes those who experience combat, or, in more extreme expressions, even those who only serve in the military. In this country Visit Page
Infused With Faith: Ritual and Conflict
The Huffington Post: Israeli-Palestinian peace talks begin this week, and it’s fair to say that attitudes range from guardedly hopeful to sneeringly cynical. After all, this conflict has been going on since the mid-20th century Visit Page
Why Some Soldiers Develop PTSD While Others Don’t
Pre-war vulnerability is just as important as combat-related trauma in predicting whether veterans’ symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) will be long-lasting, according to new research published in Clinical Psychological Science, a journal of the Visit Page