Becoming a Cumulative Science
In this space, I have been discussing urban legends in psychological science about our multiple roles within academic life. Assuming you are reading (and remembering) these Observer columns the way I did when I didn’t
The Toothbrush Problem
In these columns, I have been discussing our “urban legends” — the often unspoken but widely shared understandings and misunderstandings about how to build a research-focused academic life in psychology. My goal is to look
Our Urban Legends: Grants
My first column on our “urban legends” discussed implicit understandings and misunderstandings about what it takes to get published in different kinds of psychology journals. My second column turned to legends about the policies and
Our Urban Legends: Journal Reviews
In my last column, I discussed urban legends about journal publishing, noting that these have subtle and not so subtle influences on how research is done and presented that can inadvertently undermine the development of
Our Urban Legends: Publishing
The realization that writing these columns is expected from an APS President triggered fears I trace to a conversation with my fondly remembered Stanford colleague, Amos Tversky. About 30 years ago, Amos commented over a