The Lives They Lived 2018
Walter Mischel: A psychologist of great discipline who sometimes couldn’t wait before grabbing that second marshmallow. Picture a boy, 8 years old, assisting his parents in a strange and somber task. In their gracious home Visit Page
Identifying with others who control themselves could strengthen your own self-control
Is self-control something you can acquire, like a new language or a taste for opera? Or is it one of those things you either have or don’t, like fashion sense or a knack for telling Visit Page
Academic Career Values and Choices: Two Perspectives
Two contributions that follow in this issue — speaking clearly but in very different voices and emerging from contrasting professional and life stages — provide distinctive but complementary perspectives on core issues raised in my Visit Page
Beyond Nature vs. Nurture: Philosophical Insights From Molecular Biology
The “new genetics” research in molecular biology, as this month’s invited Presidential Column by Frances Champagne illustrates, has important implications for psychological science (so important, in fact, that it will be the topic for the Visit Page
On the Future of APS Journals
In these Presidential Columns, from September 2008 to January 2009, I discussed the implicit understandings and misunderstandings — the urban legends of our field — about our roles in the publication process as researchers, contributors Visit Page
All Brains Are the Same Color
After five columns on the urban legends in our science that may inadvertently undermine some of our efforts to build an integrative and cumulative psychological science, the next few columns will be cheerier. They illustrate Visit Page