The Atlantic: In 2006, Donald Trump made plans to purchase the Menie Estate, near Aberdeen, Scotland, aiming to convert the dunes and grassland into a luxury golf resort. He and the estate’s owner, Tom Griffin, sat down Visit Page
Safety in numbers. . . of conservatives
The Boston Globe: REMEMBER THE EBOLA scare back in 2014? Remember the shellacking that Democrats received in the 2014 election? Coincidence? A new study thinks not. Polls indicated increasing support for Republican candidates — particularly Visit Page
In Iowa, Voting Science at Work
The New York Times: OF the two winners of the Iowa caucuses, who’s the better behavioral scientist, Ted Cruz or Hillary Clinton? To judge from their campaigns’ respective “get out the vote” efforts, both politicians Visit Page
What Voters Want
The New York Times: Imagine you’re discussing the presidential election with a group of friends who live in Iowa or New Hampshire. You ask them who they intend to vote for next month. “Oh, whoever’s Visit Page
The Future Of The (Scared, White) GOP
When President Obama defeated Mitt Romney in 2012, handily winning a second term, he did so with only 39 percent of white voters. White men made up only a quarter of his votes. Even staunch Visit Page
When Voting, Political Preferences Outweigh the Evidence
Supporters of a political measure are more influenced by their initial preferences than cold, hard evidence suggesting that the measure won’t go their way, a study shows. Visit Page