The 2018–2019 APS Board
Barbara Tversky becomes Board President as Suparna Rajaram moves to Immediate Past President. Lisa Feldman Barrett steps in as President-Elect, and Vonnie C. McLoyd and Maryanne Garry begin terms as Members-at-Large.
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of research exploring individual differences in learning efficiency, cognitive prerequisites for early arithmetic, and gender differences in subjective well-being.
How Visuospatial Perspective Taking Creates Shared Meaning
Visuospatial perspective (VSP) taking facilitates interactions not only by allowing us to account for whether someone can see an object but also how that object appears from their point of view.
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of new research exploring the social effects of gossiping about deviance, sex differences in kids’ use of spatial language, and sample-size planning for accurate statistical power.
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of new research exploring categorical coding of object features, making moral judgments in a foreign language, and the role of self-control in the magnitude effect.
The 2017-2018 APS Board
Suparna Rajaram is the new APS President. Susan Goldin-Meadow becomes Immediate Past President. Barbara G. Tversky becomes President-Elect, and Stacey Sinclair and Howard M. Weiss begin 3-year terms as Members-at-Large.