Bringing Visuospatial Research Into the Real World
Researchers find that people anticipate movement in visual stimuli, among other new findings of our visuospatial abilities. Visit Page
New Content From Perspectives on Psychological Science
A sample of articles on understanding how people attribute inequality, differences in visuospatial perspective taking, global diversity across psychological science, reasoning, altruism, racism, religion, and much more. Visit Page
Keeping Up With the Crowd
Flocks of birds. Schools of fish. Shoppers on the Champs-Élysées. Each species has its own way of moving as a group. Integrative science has begun to unravel the psychological processes that allow crowds of people to move harmoniously. Visit Page
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of research exploring risk taking in chimpanzees, Visit Page
Cattell Fund Projects Include Explorations of Sensory Processes, Memory
With support from the James McKeen Cattell Fund, four researchers are devoting sabbaticals to advancing research on active sensing, spatial and episodic memory, and children’s emotional development. Visit Page
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of research exploring advice giving and motivation, mechanisms underlying face and expression processing impairments in autism, and visual perception in peripersonal space. Visit Page