The Vibrancy of Memories Fades With Time
When memories fade, they don’t just lose the factual detail, they also lose their visual vividness, research shows.
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of research exploring similarity grouping of objects, how motion can induce change blindness, and large-scale computational models of dyslexia.
Color Terminology May Influence What We Do and Don’t See
It’s possible for your native language to influence not only how you perceive certain colors, but whether or not you see can see something at all.
The Geometry of Thought
APS President Barbara Tversky walks readers through the lines, loops, and zig-zags we follow between places, memories, and ideas.
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of research exploring how we track other people’s knowledge states, individual differences in face recognition, and self-other agreement in personality reports.
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of research exploring advice giving and motivation, mechanisms underlying face and expression processing impairments in autism, and visual perception in peripersonal space.