If it’s Hard to Read, it’s Hard to Do: Study Shows Difficult to Read Instructions Decrease Motivation
It is not surprising that people are more willing to participate in a task if it does not require too much effort. What is interesting, however, is the way we determine just how easy a
Phony Friends? Rejected People Better Able to Spot Fake Smiles
“There are hundreds of languages in the world, but a smile speaks them all.” It’s true too—next time you are lost in a foreign country, just flash a smile and the locals will be happy
Hypnosis-induced Synaesthesia Makes You See Red – in the Number Seven
Hypnosis can induce synaesthetic experiences – where one sense triggers the involuntary use of another – according to a new study in Psychological Science. The findings suggests that people with synaesthesia do not necessarily have
The Nose Knows: Two Fixation Points Needed for Face Recognition
Many of us are bad at remembering names but we are very quick to point out that at least we never forget a face. Never mind recognizing a familiar face- how is it that we
Study Finds That Sleep Selectively Preserves Emotional Memories
As poets, songwriters and authors have described, our memories range from misty water-colored recollections to vividly detailed images of the times of our lives. Now, a study led by researchers at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical
How Carrots Help Us See the Color Orange
How carrots help us see the color orange One of the easiest ways to identify an object is by its color—perhaps it is because children’s books encourage us to pair certain objects with their respective