Throwing Light on the Dark Side
Huffington Post: Long ago, in a galaxy far, far away, there may have been someone who had not heard of “the dark side.” But I seriously doubt it. Whether you are a Star Wars aficionado
Größenwahn: Macht verzerrt die Selbstwahrnehmung
Web.de: Dazu gingen die Forscher um Michelle M. Duguid von der Washington University folgendermaßen vor: Sie luden 100 männliche und weibliche Testpersonen zu einem Rollenspiel ein. In einem vorab absolvierten Persönlichkeitstest sollten die Teilnehmer zunächst
Visual illusions may help boost sports performance
Yahoo! India: One of the ways in which a player might be able to improve his chances at making a free throw during a basketball tournament could be by tricking himself into thinking that the
Color It Relevant
When searching for a book, the color of the cover matters a lot. Sure, you might know the title, but locating “that book with the red cover and white letters on the shelf” is easier
Food on the brain: Study finds that hungry people see food-related words more clearly
The Daily Mail: Dieticians often warn of the dangers of over-indulging on calorific snacks and buying too much if we risk going food shopping while hungry. And it appears they may have a valid point
In Recognizing Faces, the Whole is Not Greater Than the Sum of Its Parts
How do we recognize a face? To date, most research has answered “holistically”: We look at all the features—eyes, nose, mouth—simultaneously and, perceiving the relationships among them, gain an advantage over taking in each feature