The Eyes Are the Window to Your Potential Soul Mate
Pacific Standard: John and Stephanie Cacioppo, University of Chicago neuroscientists who are married to each other, study love. And lust. Recently, the couple wanted to find out whether people look at potential mates differently if they perceive
Visual Exposure Predicts Infants’ Ability to Follow Another’s Gaze
Following another person’s gaze can reveal a wealth of information critical to social interactions and also to safety. Gaze following typically emerges in infancy, and new research looking at preterm infants suggests that it’s visual
Are You in Love or Lust? The Secret Lies Within Your Eyes.
Big Think: Burt Bacharach was right; the look of love is in your eyes. A new study validates all the avuncular advice you were given about love and lust, specifically how the way someone looks at you
What’s in a profile picture? Just about everything, actually.
The Washington Post: Love is definitely not blind, according to new statistics from the dating site OkCupid. In fact, not much online is: Facebook-friending, Twitter-sending — even professional networking is dictated, to an alarmingly huge degree, by
Where You Glance Can Reveal Feelings of Love or Lust
Live Science: There may be something to the cliché of lovebirds gazing into each other’s eyes, new research suggests. A glance at a person’s face tends to indicate romantic love, whereas looking at a person’s body
The Handiest Tool in the World
The Huffington Post: Long before we had inches and centimeters, we had hands. The breadth of a man’s hand was the metric of choice at least as far back as ancient Egypt, and this bodily