Taking Photos of Experiences Boosts Visual Memory, Impairs Auditory Memory
Choosing to take photos may focus our attention, helping us remember the visual details of our experiences but impairing memory for the auditory details.
Why it’s so Hard to Remember People’s Names
Research shows that the ability to learn and remember proper names, particularly people’s names, is notoriously more difficult relative to other types of words.
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of new research exploring how we learn natural-science categories and how gestalt grouping influences perceptual averaging in vision.
More Than Just Faces in a Crowd
Our capacity for remembering items that a
ren’t relevant to the task at hand — such as memory for faces in a crowd — may be greater than previously thought.
The Apple of the Mind’s Eye
With its simple design, the Apple Inc. logo is one of the most recognizable emblems in the world. But how well do people remember details of the icon? Which way does the leaf point? Is
New Research From Psychological Science
Read about the latest research published in Psychological Science: The Evaluative Advantage of Novel Alternatives: An Information-Sampling Account Gaël Le Mens, Yaakov Kareev, and Judith Avrahami People often rate new items more favorably than old items.