Baby eyes take longer to process movement
Deccan Herald: Researchers at the University of California, Davis, found that while infants can perceive flicker or movement, they may not be able to identify the individual elements within a moving or changing scene as
When It Comes to Memory, Practice Seems to Make Perfect
U.S. News & World Report: A new study shows that just a bit of practice can give a certain type of learning remarkable staying power. Over two consecutive days, volunteers were asked to identify a
Imagination Can Influence Perception
Imagining something with our mind’s eye is a task we engage in frequently, whether we’re daydreaming, conjuring up the face of a childhood friend, or trying to figure out exactly where we might have parked
The Surprising Connection between Two Types of Perception
The brain is constantly changing as it perceives the outside world, processing and learning about everything it encounters. In a new study, which will be published in an upcoming issue of Psychological Science, a journal
Dlaczego czerwony to ostrzeżenie? Winna ewolucja
Polskie Radio: Traktowanie przez ludzi czerwieni jako koloru ostrzegającego o niebezpieczeństwie może mieć podłoże ewolucyjne – informują naukowcy na stronie “Psychological Science”. Czerwony kolor sygnalizuje niebezpieczeństwo, ale również dominację. Ale to nie tylko kulturowy zwyczaj.
Redd for rødt
Forskning Norway: Farger virker på oss, og rødt virker sterkest. Nå har forsøk med makake-aper vist at når vi ”ser rødt”, så er reaksjonen trolig impregnert i genene. Men rødt er ikke bare sinne. Rødt