Children Notice Information That Adults Miss
Adults are good at remembering information they are told to focus on, while young children tend to pay attention to all the information presented, even when they were told to focus on one particular item.
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of new research exploring parallel processing in a language task, the neural basis of independence versus interdependence orientations, age differences in risky decision making, and switch costs in visual attention.
Registered Replication Report Investigates Attentional SNARC Effect
APS is launching a Registered Replication Report project focusing on the finding that merely perceiving a number can lead to shifts in visual attention to either the left or right side of space, depending on the magnitude of the number.
Studying Perception of Animate Versus Inanimate Objects With LEGO Blocks
Animate objects, such as animals and humans, hold a special sway over humans’ attention. For example, when presented with two scenes (one containing an animal and one not), people will preferentially orient to the one
Other People Are Less Attention-Grabbing to the Wealthy
The degree to which other people divert your attention may depend on your social class, according to findings published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science. The research shows that people
New Research From Psychological Science
Read about the latest research published in Psychological Science: Pupillary Contagion in Infancy: Evidence for Spontaneous Transfer of Arousal Christine Fawcett, Victoria Wesevich, and Gustaf Gredebäck Pupillary contagion — when an individual’s pupil size influences the