Solved: How Optical Illusion Turns Circles Into Hexagons
LiveScience: When you stare at a colorful image and then turn to look at a neutral background, a “ghost image” appears in contrasting colors. Now, new research finds that a similar illusion occurs with shapes
Lessons from Sherlock Holmes: The Importance of Perspective-Taking
Scientific American: I often find myself walking into the kitchen (or the living room or bedroom or wherever), unable to recall why I was going there in the first place. What I do in those
Study of the Day: Attempting to Focus Can Lead to Distorted Images
The Atlantic: PROBLEM: It’s a contradiction that we’ve all experienced. Sometimes, the more we focus on certain objects, the more we misperceive where they are in relation to other objects. METHODOLOGY: Yale University cognitive psychologists
Ciò che vediamo non sempre rispecchia la realtà
La Stampa: “Se non vedo non ci credo”… Oppure: “credo solo ai miei occhi”… e via discorrendo, i modi di dire sono tanti mentre la realtà dovrebbe essere una sola, per tutti. Invece, pare non
Seeing is not always believing
Yahoo! Philippines: Paying attention to keep a close watch may quite have the reverse effect. It actually distorts perception of where things are in relation to one another, says a research. ‘Figuring out where objects
Speaking and Understanding Speech Share the Same Parts of the Brain
The brain has two big tasks related to speech: making it and understanding it. Psychologists and others who study the brain have debated whether these are really two separate tasks or whether they both use