Call for Submissions: Special Issue of Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics on “Structure of Visual Working Memory”
The journal Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, the official journal of the Psychonomic Society, is requesting submissions on the topic of the structure of visual working memory. Submissions are due by July 1, 2013 for publication
Crash! Collisions in the Mind’s Eye
The Huffington Post: My son was involved in a serious motorcycle accident some months ago. He was driving on a major avenue in Washington, D.C., going the posted speed, when a taxi pulled out from
Crash! Collisions in the Mind’s Eye
My son was involved in a serious motorcycle accident some months ago. He was driving on a major avenue in Washington, DC, going the posted speed, when a taxi pulled out from a side road
New Research On Visual Perception From Psychological Science
Read about the latest research on visual perception from Psychological Science. Inattention Abolishes Binocular Rivalry: Perceptual Evidence Jan W. Brascamp and Randolph Blake Binocular rivalry occurs when a different image is shown to each eye
New Research on Vision From Psychological Science
Read about the latest research on vision published in Psychological Science. A Bayesian Optimal Foraging Model of Human Visual Search Matthew S. Cain, Edward Vul, Kait Clark, and Stephen R. Mitroff When searching displays containing
Psychological Scientists Honored for Improbable Research
For the second year in a row, research published in Psychological Science is being recognized with the, erm, prestigious Ig Nobel Psychology Prize for scientific achievements that “first make people laugh, and then make them