Researchers Delve Into Data on Video Games and Aggression in Kids
A large data analysis shows only minimal impact of violent video games on aggressive behavior, but scientists say they need better measures to confirm those findings. Visit Page
Not Just Fun and Games
You’re on a sensitive mission and your objectives are clear: Kill enemy combatants, capture territory, reach your target, and, above all, stay alive. This sort of scenario — eliminate the bad guy while avoiding major Visit Page
How Tetris may reduce traumatic memories
Science Magazine: Playing the computer game Tetris may help reduce the frequency of traumatic flashbacks like the ones that plague sufferers of post-traumatic stress disorder, Pacific Standard reports. In the study, participants viewed a 12-minute Visit Page
Treating Trauma With ‘Tetris’
Pacific Standard: Memory reconsolidation—the method that involves re-exposing a patient to a past memory and then updating it while in this allegedly malleable state—has potentially major implications for people who suffer from PTSD flashbacks. But proposed Visit Page
New Research From Psychological Science
Read about the latest research published in Psychological Science: Is Playing Video Games Related to Cognitive Abilities? Nash Unsworth, Thomas S. Redick, Brittany D. McMillan, David Z. Hambrick, Michael J. Kane, and Randall W. Engle Although Visit Page
Study: Video Games Don’t Trigger Aggression in Adults With Autism
US News & World Report: Politicians pushed for a crackdown on violent video games after speculation arose that they spurred Newtown school shooter Adam Lanza – who had autism spectrum disorder – to commit one Visit Page