The Unconscious Mind Can Detect a Liar — Even When the Conscious Mind Fails
When it comes to detecting deceit, your automatic associations may be more accurate than conscious thought in pegging truth-tellers and liars, according to findings from a psychological study.
How To Fight Racial Bias When It’s Silent And Subtle
NPR: In the popular imagination and in conventional discourse — especially in the context of highly charged news events such as the shooting of Trayvon Martin — prejudice is all about hatred and animosity. Scientists agree there’s
Distractions Can Help You Make Better Decisions
Inc: Distractions help you make better decisions, researchers say. According to a study published in the journal Psychological Science, you may be better able to make a complex decision after a period of distraction than
2013 Swag in DC
Attendees will be snagging APS swag in the Exhibit Hall at this year’s Convention. Visit the APS Booth for free pens, pocket buddy notebooks, hand sanitizers, experiMINTs to freshen your breath, “Risky Business” sunglasses, a
Anthony Greenwald
University of Washington William James Fellow Award A renowned expert on human cognition, social psychologist Anthony Greenwald’s work has led to the discovery and documentation of unconscious and automatic thought processes that most people would
Martin M. Monti
University of California, Los Angeles http://montilab.psych.ucla.edu What does your research focus on? My research focuses on two questions confronting the most characterizing aspects of the human mind: 1) “What is the relationship between language and