Can We Touch?
Tiffany Field has spent decades trying to get people to touch one another more. Her efforts started with premature babies, when she found that basic human touch led them to quickly gain weight. An initial
Touch Can Produce Detailed, Lasting Memories
Exploring objects through touch can generate detailed, durable memories for those objects, even when we don’t intend to memorize the object’s details.
A Hug a Day Keeps the Doctor Away
Scientific American: During my final semester of undergrad, I made two signs that read, “Feeling stressed about exams? Have a free hug!” Then I recruited a friend and we stood in the entrance of the
Can hugs make you healthier?
Salon: It’s February. Are you sick? If you are, don’t fret. The Centers for Disease Control tells us that cold and flu season peaks in January and February, so statistically speaking, your sniffles are nothing
Hugs help protect against the common cold, research finds
PBS: Flu season is upon us, and doctors are predicting that this year’s epidemic could be especially severe. What steps are you taking to protect yourself from disease this winter? Stocking up on hand sanitizer?
Hugs Help Protect Against Colds by Boosting Social Support
We’re told to wash our hands, get plenty of rest, and avoid public coughers and sneezers in order to keep the common cold at bay, but new research suggests another line of defense: hugs. A