Pensate in termini di giorni non di anni (Think in terms of days, not years)
La Stampa: Per ritrovare la forma fisica, programmare le visite di controllo o realizzare un importante progetto sono necessari giorni, settimane e, a volte, mesi di lavoro. Per questo motivo, le imprese di lungo periodo
Think of the Future in Days, Not Years, to Meet Your Goals
Big Think: When given the choice, we often choose our present needs over the needs of our future selves. In fact, a recent study indicates that we see our future selves as a stranger —
Framing Time in Days, Not Years, Could Spur Action Toward Goals
Measuring time in days instead of months, or months instead of years, can make future events seem closer and thus more urgent.
Workplace Support Helps Parents Make More Time for Their Kids
Between juggling responsibilities at home and the office, working parents often report feeling stressed over conflicting demands on their time. Employees who were part of a new study on reducing work-family conflict reported spending significantly
Real-Time Data May Be the Best Backseat Driver
New technology is allowing auto insurers to offer insurance models that can use an individual’s real-time driving behavior rather than actuarial tables to help determine their insurance costs. Several major insurance companies now offer Pay-As-You-Drive
When Fatigue Boosts Creativity
The Atlantic: Most people know, instinctively, whether they are morning people or evening people. Some are hit with a wave of dread whenever they hear a stranger’s iPhone clanging out the same ringtone as their