Misinformation: Psychological Science Shows Why It Sticks and How to Fix It
Childhood vaccines do not cause autism. Global warming is confirmed by science. And yet, many people believe claims to the contrary. Why does misinformation stick?
How Americans view wealth and inequality
BBC Business: There have been lots of questions and discussions recently about inequality and economists often argue about what is the right level of inequality to have in society. But Mike Norton, professor at Harvard
How To Have More Self Control: Look At The Big Picture
The Huffington Post: Thinking about the big picture instead of the little steps required along the way can help to give us the self-control we need to reach a goal, according to new research. This
Traits of the ‘Get It Done’ Personality: Laser Focus, Resilience, and True Grit
The Chronicle of Higher Education: Robert J. Sternberg has written 40 books and at least 1,400 articles and chapters over a career in which he has juggled jobs as professor, provost, and president of the
Anche il riposo è utile al cervello (Rest is also useful to the brain)
Corriere della Serra: Sempre di corsa, presi da mille impegni, senza mai un attimo per noi stessi. È la vita degli adulti ma anche, purtroppo, quella di tantissimi bambini sballottati fra scuola, corsi sportivi, lezioni
Thinking Abstractly May Help to Boost Self-Control
Many of the long term goals people strive for — like losing weight — require us to use self-control and forgo immediate gratification. And yet denying our immediate desires in order to reap future benefits