Books to Check Out: October 2014
To submit a new book, email [email protected]. Neurobiology of Social Behavior: Toward an Understanding of the Prosocial and Antisocial Brain by Michael Numan; Academic Press, July 22, 2014. The Organized Mind: Thinking Straight in the
Guys Prefer Electric Shocks to Boredom
Scientific American: How often have you longed to have time to just sit quietly and think? Well, be careful what you wish for. Because a study shows that many people find such interludes incredibly unpleasant.
Why Is It So Hard for Us to Do Nothing?
The Wall Street Journal: It is summer time, and the living is easy. You can, at last, indulge in what is surely the most enjoyable of human activities—doing absolutely nothing. But is doing nothing really
People Prefer Electric Shocks to Being Alone With Their Thoughts
The Atlantic: Considering the many challenges life has to offer, entertaining yourself with your own thoughts for a few minutes seems like one of the easier hurdles to overcome. You could recall your favorite childhood
Most men would rather shock themselves than be alone with their thoughts
The Washington Post: People, and especially men, hate being alone with their thoughts so much that they’d rather be in pain. In a study published in Science Thursday on the ability of people to let
We dislike being alone with our thoughts
Nature: Which would you prefer: pain or boredom? Given the choice, many people would rather give themselves mild electric shocks than sit idly in a room for 15 minutes, according to a study published today