Putting Social Justice into Practice in Psychology Courses
People who advocate for social justice believe all members of society should have equal rights and access to opportunities. Although its values, assumptions, and approaches may differ from traditional psychology, social justice has an impact
Beyond the Grade: Feedback on Student Behavior
Good communication is as stimulating as black coffee, and just as hard to sleep after. -Anne Morrow Lindbergh (1991, p. 121 Feedback is a special case of the general communication process that constitutes part of
‘Exporting’ Psychology
In 1974, I was a young associate professor at Purdue and believed that I was doing just what I was supposed to be doing — teaching large courses, working with students, and conducting research. In
Effective Teaching When Class Size Grows
Class sizes seem to increase every year, through the combining of course sections into a few large sections or through class size creep, from 18 students to 25 or even 30. Whether adding a few
Preparing for a Class Session
“When the task is done beforehand, then it is easy. If you do it hurriedly and carelessly, it must be hard.” (Cleary, 1989, p. 5) There is much to be gained from preparing for a
Going for the Gold: Using Sports Psychology to Improve Teaching and Learning
Who can resist getting caught up in the enthusiasm of the Olympics, Super Bowl, or NBA playoffs? If you ask most of your first-year students to describe Michael Jordan, Jeff Gordon, or Serena Williams, they