Sin Has A Bitter Taste
When writers craft metaphors such as the “warmth of friendship,” they aren’t just making an arbitrary connection between temperature and social bonds. Behavioral scientists have shown that certain metaphors, called embodied metaphors, describe physical experiences
Compassion Made Easy
The New York Times: ALL the major religions place great importance on compassion. Whether it’s the parable of the good Samaritan in Christianity, Judaism’s “13 attributes of compassion” or the Buddha’s statement that “loving kindness
Q & A With Psychological Scientist Linda Bartoshuk
APS Past President Linda Bartoshuk is a leading taste researcher at the University of Florida. We invited our Facebook and Twitter followers to ask Bartoshuk questions about her research – here is what she had
Fragrant Flashbacks
Memory and smell are intertwined; it’s through memory that we learn to remember smells, and disorders that take away memory also take away the ability to distinguish scents. Some of this learning starts even before
The Last Piece Of Chocolate You Eat Is The Best, Says Study
The Huffington Post: A new study published in the journal Psychological Science reveals that the last bite of chocolate you eat will probably taste the best. The study, authored by Ed O’Brien and Phoebe C.
Study of the Day: Why That Last Piece of Chocolate Tastes the Best
The Atlantic: PROBLEM: Our fondest memories usually involve the last of something, be it a farewell kiss or the final day of school. Does this last-is-best bias extend to more trivial events in everyday life?