New Research in Psychological Science
A sample of research on mate preferences across countries, preference biases in candidate selection, cue visibility and task switching, and persuasion by nonhuman artificial agents. Visit Page
New Research in Psychological Science
A sample of research on procrastination and precrastination, reading, pronouns and cultural success, and ovulatory cycle and women’s preferences. Visit Page
Networking May Not Pay Off for Everyone
Professionals who invest time in networking against their personal preferences may find that their work suffers as a result, a study suggests. Visit Page
Want To Stifle Your Team’s Creativity? Do These Things
The slate of companies going public this year— Pinterest, Slack Technologies, and Uber, to name a few—should silence anyone who doubts the power of a bold idea. After all, one seemingly crazy brainstorm can up end an entire Visit Page
Why People Wait 10 Days to Do Something That Takes 10 Minutes
I’m trying to construct an alternative theory of myself in which I’m a tidy person. It’s not going well. Walking my recycling from my apartment to the trash room down the hall takes me anywhere Visit Page
How to Trick Yourself into Improving Your Performance
You’ve probably heard by now that trying to multitask is a terrible idea. One main reason is that our neural wiring does not allow us to split our attention: when we try to attend to Visit Page